Alright. Let me say right off the bat, I'm not real sure if this will work for me or not! I have come to the realization I've got some serious ADD kicking or something- I'm completely and totally into one thing one day, but it might be something completely different the next! Let me just tell you how much my husband loves that ;)
This all started a few months ago. I always get the itch about halfway through winter to start planting. Am I a great gardener?
My mother and grandmother could grow anything- I pick on my mother relententlessly for snapping a bloom of a plant we walk by at random, but a few months later she's showing me her new creation. Hysterical, but a little disappointing. I was hoping that would be genetic or something. But no, I'm such a black thumb my husband once told me it concerned him that I took care of our children. I thought my response was pretty logical- "They tell me when they're thirsty." I honestly replied. Apparently it didn't make him feel any more confident.
But this year something was differnt. Normally, when i begin hatching my next plan, my husband gives me 'that look'. You know the one. The head cocked slightly to the side, one eye narrowed and a look of warry suspicion as that little hampster on the wheel in his head comes to a screeching halt, sitting down with his little calculator and figures up how much this one is going to cost him. This time though, he agreed. (I'm assuming you all took a collective gasp for me right there)
So, at this point I figure I'm approximately 4-5 weeks into this 'farming' endeavor and probably at about a 70%......okay, 65%-ish success rate. The seranno peppers and jalapenos are just starting to come up, the basil and onions are doing ok (finally). The alyssum is going crazy and the fat cat (formerly know as Scraps) has squished my hollyhocks that WERE doing amazing. 'Were' being the operative word. At this point, to be honest the tomatoes are the only thing saving my reputation. I don't think they understand the pressure they're under- this is about them making it, or DH being right! For God's sake grow!!
The weather is certainly not working for me either. I am officially to the point of getting angry about being cold all the time. The poor plants can't even go outside yet because of the alternating wind/rain/freezing cold. I am sooooo ready for spring!
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