This morning we finally set up the Christmas trees! I say finally because I prefer to put them up the day after Thanksgiving, but it has been a very busy couple of weeks to say the least! As we finished up the last string of lights, Cole reminded me of the Missing Christmas Lamb.
A couple of years ago, I had bought a cute little nativity scene from the Family Christian Bookstore. Courtney was just about to turn 4 the next month, and was very interested in the little figures. Every time she would walk by the foyer table, I would see her stop and look at the little dressed up children. It warmed my heart to see her kiss her little finger and touch the baby Jesus.
Maybe it was seeing her stop there everyday that made me look at the scene each time I passed, but whatever the reason, I noticed something was 'off' one day.
The lamb was gone.
I checked under the table, I looked in the kitchen. I even looked in the dogs' kennel. I couldn't find the lamb anywhere.
Now if it had been the baby Jesus missing, I would have asked Courtney about it right off the bat. In this case, I asked Cole if he knew where the lamb had gone.
"Courtney was petting it this morning."
Hmmm.... suspicious.
I went and found Courtney playing in her room.
"Courtney, do you know where the little lamb from the table is?"
Big eyes.
Ah ha.
"Courtney, where's the lamb?"
Big eyes. Sigh.
"Jesus' lamb?" she asked, careful not to make eye contact.
"Yes, that one."
Another sigh. She reluctantly put down her baby doll and went to her bed. Her little hand slid under the pillow and retrieved the little lamb.
I thought it was so cute that she loved that little lamb so much she just had to keep him is a special place close to her.
Follow my erratic thought pattern here for a second...
The lamb reminded me of how Jesus is the Lamb of God. Jesus is also considered the Word of God.
Psalm 119:11 says "I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you."
Aren't we supposed to keep Jesus and his words in our hearts? Courtney seemed to be understanding this is a very sweet and simple child's way.
The next thought that occurred to me in the symbolism of the situation is how often the Lamb is lost in Christmas and goes unnoticed. A very sobering thought for sure.
We played music all morning while we fluffed branches and strung lights. I can only recall two that mentioned Jesus' birth.
My children know the reason for the season (excuse the corny line). They know it's essentially a big birthday party for the Savior. But maybe we need to work on infusing Him into every little moment of the holiday instead of just being pleasantly surprised when an obvious reference pops up.
The lamb is back on the table.
Now to work on getting the Lamb back in everything else :)
"She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins." Matthew 1:21
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